


Informed Stakeholders


Vineet Singh

rikin (Unlicensed)

Razak K M Shreya Agarwal (Unlicensed) Andrew Hicks (Unlicensed)

Stuti Verma (Unlicensed) Mayank (Unlicensed)

Release FS Sandbox on the revamped FS website


Release FarmStack sandbox that lets visitors to:

  • see how FS works with a dummy data

    • integrate data in the google sheets

    • configure a usage policy

  • leave comments for further questions

What do we want to build?

On FarmStack website there is a prominent CTA “See how it works” or “FS Sandbox” or “See it in action” with email id. See the example of segment for positioning on website. This lets the user in a model with the following steps.

S. No.





Demo overview

Video explaining the mock use case and steps involved

  • focus on why data is to be shared and restrictions required

    • User will be provided and in this mock use case is owner of a file that has farmer/ produce details

    • DG is the owner of another file that has farmer/ activity details

    • There is a third consumer who wants to combine farmer/ produce with farmer/ activity details for analytics

    • The consumer needs to join based on farmer identifier but needs to aggregate and remove the identifiers so need access to raw data

    • User wants to protect and hence there is a node.js app that does joining and aggregation and outputs two or more files

  • tell that this is a mock use case with dummy data

Spends 45-60 seconds and move to next


Preparation material

One google sheet created with dummy data in view mode that has PII data (farmer identifiers, produce details like crop, yield, grade etc)

Application - a node.js code snippet that joins two tables and outputs more than two tables with de-anonymised data

Sees the data, understand the different fields


Configure connector

Connector 1 for farmer/ activity is preconfigured

Connector 2 for file 2 is asked to be configured:

  1. pre- selected app: google sheet - optional

  2. pre-filled google sheet address

  3. Show preview - optional

  4. Next step

Connector is configured by the user


  1. Connector is owned by DG (run at DG’s infra)

  2. Need google sheet integration


Usage policy

Configure usage policy:

  1. pre-selected node.js app

  2. Check box for the output files - just to give some sort of feel of configuring some app (optional)

  3. check box for where user wants to receive files 0 email or browser

Usage policy is configured



Two options:

  1. email and send the output

  2. or just show in browser

User gets the output file as email or browser

Reference example flows

Market Research

Closest to FS (open source):

Similar (not open source) and diff model - big ones:

Competitive Analysis

  • FarmStack can be categorised as a iPaaS and application integration blocks above

  • The closest to FS is Airbyte in terms of vision as an open source

What differentiates FS?

  • Focus on open source brings transparency

  • Trusted connector used for secured inter organisation data transfer

  • Connector architecture lets custom application integration

  • Usage policies lets users restrict data to be used by a verified application

Success metrics



Acquire new enterprise customers

Increased signups

Increased demo requests

Gain insights

Requests for customisation

Requests for usage policies

Target Personas

Type of persona


Government/ research/ grant officers

senior officer looking at increasing impact using data

senior officer researching tools for increased value of grants

For profit companies

product and program manager looking at tools for integrating data

engineering person looking at how FS works

Technology/ business consultants

consultants looking to advise government programs on data centric solution

engineering person exploring a specific tool that shows the promise

Messaging & positioning

Product description

Write a short description of your product

Short positioning statement

Write a short (~25 words) positioning statement

Detailed positioning statement

Write a detailed (100 words or less) positioning statement

Top-Line message

Value pillar 1

Value pillar 2

Value pillar 3

Product promise

Write a short paragraph on how your product delivers on this value pillar

Customer pain points

Describe how this value pillar solves these pain points

Product proof points

Explain how specific product features support this value pillar



Open source

Communication activities

Plan your launch-day activities and communications using the table below. Put each activity on its own row, @mention activity owners, and type /date to add due dates.



Due date



Internal comms

e.g., Write a blog post to announce the launch


e.g., Send press release to TechCrunch and WIRED




Engineering Decisions

  • Product will be developed in three stages:

    • A Frontend will be developed using React framework.

    • A demo video will be created using the frontend and uploaded to the website.

    • Backend APIs and plugins will be developed and connected to the Frontend.

  • More plugins (for example, Kobotoolbox plugin) could be later integrated to the product.