1 | Retrieve credentials | Matt forgot his password and wants to recover in simple way |
| Happy Flow Matt try to reset account with new password - Matt click on Forgot Password?
- Application should display Forgot Password page and Matt enters registered email
- click on Send OTP Button
- Matt received email OTP
- Matt enters OTP
- Matt enters new password in New password and same in Confirm password field and click on RESET PASSWORD
- Matt able to reset the Password and Logged in successfully
Step 1 Recommendations from QA Matt try to Rest Password using “Forgot Password?” - Application should display “Enter your Email Address“ instead of “What’s your email” in Forgot Password page
- Email Address field should be mandatory field with red *. If we agree to have this as mandatory, we should have the following checks:
a. Without entering Email Address in Email Address field and Matt try to click on Send OTP button, Send OTP button should be in read only b. After Matt enters Valid Register Email Address in Email Address field, application should enable Send OTP button Error messages - Matt should enter valid email address with proper Domain name example (Matt@hotmail.com)
a. Matt enters Invalid Email, application should throw Error message in red colour saying “Enter Valid Email Address” below the Email Address field b. Matt enters only Special characters for example #$%^&@hotmail.com, application should throw error message saying “Enter Valid Email Address” below the Email Address field c. Matt enters Email address with incorrect domain name for example Matt@xyz.com, application should throw error message saying “Enter Valid Email Address” below the Email Address field d. User enters Invalid Email, application should throw Error message in red colour saying “Enter Valid Email Address” next to You’ll receive an OTP on your email - Application should send valid code in the form of numeric
Validation messages - Without entering Email Address in EMAIL ADDRESS field and User try to click on Send OTP button, Application should throw validation message saying “Enter Valid Email Address”
- Matt didn't enter Email Address and click on Send OTP button , application should throw validation message saying “Enter Email Address”
- Matt enter valid Email Address and click on Send OTP button , application should throw validation message saying “Enter Registered Email Address”
- Without Sign up Matt enters Valid Email Address and click on Send OTP button , Application should display “Enter Registered Email Address”
Step 2 Recommendations from QA - Application should send valid code in the form of numeric
- RESEND button should be active only if the time is elapsed (120 seconds) for entering OTP and there should be a message and question mark for tool tip
- User click on RESEND, Application should display Validation message saying “CODE sent successfully”
- If two or more OTPs get delivered, the most recent should be valid
- OTP should contain 6 digit numeric
Validation messages - Without entering code and try to click on Verify button, Verify button should be in read only
- User didn't enter code and try to click on Verify button , application should throw validation message saying “Enter Code”
Error messages - User enter Invalid code and try to click on Verify button , application should throw Error message saying “Enter Valid Code”
- User accidentally try to enter alphabets, Application should not allow to enter
- User accidentally try to enter alphabets, Application should not allow to enter
Step 3 - Password should contains at least 8 character's which includes Alphabets, 1 Numeric , 1 special character
a. If password is less than 8 characters application should display validation message saying “Password should contains at least 8 character's which includes Alphabets, 1 Numeric, 1 special Character“ in Enter Password field - Beza enter invalid Password in Enter Password field , Application should throw Error message saying “Enter valid password”
- Beza didn't enter Password in Enter Password field, Application should throw Validation message saying “Enter password”
- Application should not allow Beza to enter password in Confirm Password field first without entering in Enter password field
- Beza enter wrong password in Confirm password field, application should throw error message saying “Passwords do not match“
- After Beza enters Valid password in Enter Password field and Confirm password field, application should enable Next Step
- After Beza enters invalid password in Enter Password field and Confirm password field, application should not enable Next Step
- Beza clicks on eye symbol in Enter Password field and she need to hold to view the password, after unclick password should hide
- Beza clicks on eye symbol in Confirm Password field and she need to hold to view the password after unclick password should hide
- Application should show green colour tick mark next to Enter Password filed to make sure that user enter valid password
- Application should show green colour tick mark next to Confirm Password filed to make sure that user enter valid password
- Application should show X in red colour next to Enter Password filed to make sure that user enter invalid password/wrong password
- Application should show X in red colour next to Confirm Password filed to make sure that user enter invalid password/wrong password
- Beza enter Password in Enter Password field and didn't enter password in Confirm password filed, application should not enable NEXT STEP unless it is in read only mode
- Beza enters valid password in Enter password field application should display green tick, but Beza enters wrong password in confirm password field application should display X symbol in red colour