Starting a page to capture key questions and discussion topics that we can convert into an agenda and “what is success” for the meetings in BLR next week.

Gautam Mandewalker Vineet Singh Ravi Shankar Sharma (Unlicensed) ashok (Unlicensed) Amrita Das (Unlicensed) Sai Krishnan Pallassana (Unlicensed) Kunal Tiwari (Unlicensed) Razak K M vignesh (Unlicensed)

Content of Discussion: (based on input from Krishnan Pallassana (Unlicensed))


Product to be discussed

For EACH of the product we must find answer to

  1. What is the purpose of the product (Product vision): How does it look like ?, it is an app, what is the data?, to be managed by farmer or CRP etc; What is the incentive system for adoption?

  2. What is the vision of the product : Is it just to enable data capture for further use or is it tool to enable program implementation

  3. What is the counter and boundaries ?

  4. What is the help needed to build the product ? (Feedback from user?, prototyping of product through use case development and implementation along with program team)

  5. What is the action plan and what are the milestones ?

  6. Who is responsible for what?

  7. What is the review mechanism and frequency ?

Note: What ever decision is made during these two days, should not be be changed till 31st March 2023. We should not keep changing the goal post as we go along for the period Sep 2022- Mar 2023

BUCKET 2 (Only to be started one bucket 1 is complete)

What are the convergence point between each of the four products.


What is success for Sep 12 + 13? What do we want to get out of our time together?


Monday, Sep 12


Debrief/checkin on Day 1 with Alesha & Rikin

8:30 to 10pm


Tuesday, Sep 13


Ravi, Kunal, Krish depart for Delhi

Some questions: