Farmstack enables data transfer between the participants with secure peer to peer connection. Participants who will be part of data exchange network, can participate as data providers and consumers.
For more detail
Stacks used in Farmstack.
React JS
Farmstack Setup
Digital Green will provide a python script for the interested organisations who want to act as Steward (Datahub admin). This python script will setup the Datahub in their instance and onboards the admin.
Prerequisite for Setup:
Instance with at least 8gb RAM and 40GB ROM.
Docker (To pull docker images). Docker hub installation
Python (To run the script). Python Installation
Steps for admin onboarding
Persona : Steward |
Features | Description |
Datahub Setup | Steward can setup datahub for intended data exchange platform. |
Steward Onboarding | Steward can setup her organization and onboard herself to manage the platform. |
Data Catalog/ Micro Website | Data catalog for visitors and participants with detailed view, sample datasets and filters. |
Registration | Steward can register as an admin using Email ID while setup the Farmstack. |
Login | As a registered datahub admin(Steward), she can able to log in using Email ID by requesting a one-time password, so that datahub can authenticate as an admin of the datahub. |
Admin profile | Datahub admin(Steward) can add profile details so that my identity is clearly visible to datahub members. |
Organisation details | Datahub admin(Steward) can add details of the organisation that is orchestrating the datahub so that members can trust and host their datasets and connectors. |
Datahub content | Datahub admin(Steward) can add content to the datahub so that visitors can discover about the datahub by exploring the content. |
Branding datahub | Datahub admin(Steward) can change the default branding for the datahub so that a brand identity is created. |
Participant Management | Datahub admin(Steward) can create, update and delete participant organizations and invite them to become data providers and consumers. |
Datasets Manangement |
Manage Connectors | Datahub admin(Steward) can:
Persona : Participant |
Features | Description |
Login | As a registered Participant, she can able to log in using Email ID by requesting a one-time password, so that datahub can authenticate as a participant of the datahub. |
Datasets Manangement | Participant can upload and manage datasets available with his/her organization. |
Manage Connectors | Participants can:
Implementation Debts:
Persona | Feature | Description |
Steward | Settings |
Steward | Dashboard |
Steward | Datasets |
Team member |
| |
Participant | Dashboard |
Datasets |
| |
Support Tickets |
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All Users | Connectors |
Role management |
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User Interface |