Total Budget :
Total cost - 141,03749,168.00 INR ( Rs 14,0338,168 by DG ) FPO contribution : Rs 13,02,000
Cost (INR)
11,000.00 INR
Budget for Poly House Nursery for FPO | |||||
Sl no | Particulars | Unit | Rate | Amount | Source |
1 | Entry point Activities for establishment of Poly House | ||||
1.1 | Land Levelling (7hrs) | 7 | 2000 | 14000 | DG |
1.2 | Electric Wire (Lump Sum) | LS | 15000 | 15000 | DG |
1.3 | Water delivery pipes (150 mtrs) | 150 | 100 | 15000 | DG |
1.4 | Nursery Input Materials (Lump Sum) | LS | 35000 | 35000 | DG |
1.5 | Misc. Expenses (Lump Sum) | LS | 6000 | 6000 | DG |
Sub Total Entry Point Activities | 85000 | ||||
2 | Nursery Establishment expenses | ||||
2.1 | Construction of poly house of 480 sqm . (includes |
overhead micro irrigation of 1000 lit water tank and minimum 1 hp mono block pump set) | 1 | 1059168 | 1059168 | DG | |
2.2 | Seeds | 1 | 100000 | 100000 | DG |
2.3 | Water lifting for operation @ Rs 500/ month for 12 months | 6,000 | FPO | ||
2.4 | Land lease cost ( @Rs 1000/year for 10 |
Labour & maintenance
Data officer (for 8 months )
years | 10,000 | FPO | |||
2.5 | Electricity charges @ Rs 750/month for 12 months . | 9,000 | FPO | ||
2.6 | Pump set | 8,000 | FPO | ||
2.7 | Watch & Ward(@3000/month for 12 months | 36,000 | FPO | ||
2.8 | Labour cost (10 Man days per month @ Rs 300 per day for 10 months ) | 36,000 | FPO | ||
2.9 | Bore well ( Convergence with govt. ) | 200,000 | FPO | ||
2.10 | Unforeseen Expenditure | 6,000 | FPO | ||
Sub Total Nursery Establishment expenses | 1470168 | ||||
3 | Training | ||||
3.1 | Training and capacity building (Lump sum) | LS | 50000 | 50,000 | DG |
Sub Total Training | 50,000 | ||||
4 | Operational Cost | ||||
4.1 | Data officer (2 data officers @ 9000/month for 8 months ) | 9000 | 16 | 144000 | DG |
Sub Total Operational Cost | 144000 | ||||
Grand Total | 1,749,168 |
Milestone | Time line | Implementation Plan | |
1 | Project Finalization | May 15th | A workshop was conducted with 7 FPOs to identify the investment ideas . Out of all the ideas , community nurser was selected to start with ,as it has a community based impact which is visible in next 6 month (one season). |
2 | Project Plan & Budget preparation | June 1-10 | DG along with CYSD and FPO has prepared a project plan and budget for the same. The initial budget was prepared by the BOD members during the workshop. After discussing with vendors and other stake holders the Final budget was prepared. |
3 | Vendor selection | June 10-15 | The list of government approved Vendors was provided by CYSD. A visit was planned to Directorate of horticulture and received few quotation from them . These nurseries were visited and finally one of them was selected as per the procurement policy of DG. |
4 | Poly house set up | july July 5-10 | The ERP is processed and contract was given to the vendor. The construction materials were supervised by DG. The initial entry point activities will be supervised by FPO. |
5 | Poly house Operation | July - sept | For the Poly house operation , the FPO has appointed 2 persons . 1 for day operation and other for night guard purpose. The wages for the same will be paid by the FPO . |
6 | Funding disbursed | july July 5-106 | Thee investment is planned in the collaboration approach between DG, CYSD & FPO. The collaboration draft is to be approved by the Board ,which will be used for other DFN pilots as well. 50% of the initial amount will be given to the vendor prior the setup. |
7 | Demand collection (seedling) | July1-157 | The demand collection will be done by the data officer appointed by DG . An agreement of scope of work will be signed between DG and Data officer in the presence of FPO . |
8 | Data collection ( Nursery ) | July -15-Aug 308 | There was different set of conversations with Data consumers , on the basis of which the data points will be finalized. An application will be finalized for data collection and data sharing with the FPO, FPO members & other service providers. |
9 | First Sapling Sales | Aug-159 | The sapling selling will be monitored by the FPO. As the saplings will be sold to the FPO members , so there is no much need of marketing facility. |
10 | Training ( convergence with Horticulture Dept) | Aug-15-3010 | The trainings on the nursery ( process, package of practices & pest management ) will be delivered by the Hort dept . |
11 | Impact (Vegetables produced from poly house sampling) | Oct-30 | The impact assessment sheet and research points are being prepared by Sanjeev & Tetyana . |
FPO Contribution Details: ashok Amrita Das (Unlicensed) Ronali Pradhan (Unlicensed) Ashu Sikri (Unlicensed)
S.No | Particulars | Rate | Unit | Amount | Remarks |
1 | Water lifting charges @ Rs. 500/month for 12 months | 500 | 12 | 6000 | The FPO has rented a well from a near by place which will provide water required for the nursery. The amount will be paid to the owner by the FPO. |
2 | Land lease cost @Rs. 1000/year for 10 years | 1000 | 1101000 | 10,000 | Plot of land where proposed enclosed nursery will be setup. The FPO has bore the amount as a cost of lease agreement between government and FPO. |
3 | Electricity charges @ Rs. 750/month | 750 | 12 | 9000 | FPO is planning to get the electricity connection from the department which will cost around Rs 40000. As the process will take time the FPO has arranged the electricity from the near by place to whom the FPO will be paying the bills as per the usage. This connection will be used for the operation of the water sprinkler.Water will be lifted to tank using a water pump. |
4 | Water lifting using a pump | 8000 | 1 | 8000 | To be installed near a well to lift the water to the overhead tank |
5 | Watch & ward @Rs. 3000/month | 3000 | 12 | 36000 | Two persons will be appointed to watch and guard the nursery day and night. FPO will be paying the wages. An amount Rs 2000 will be paid to the day watcher, similarly a wage of Rs1000 to the night watcher. |
6 | Labour Cost | 3000 | 12 | 36000 | 10 human resources are required for sowing the seeds in the tray in a month, weeding of the nursery and other operational activities. |
7 | Unforeseen Expenditure | 6000 | 1 | 6000 | Records/stationary items for book keeping and other cost. |
Total | 102000 | ||||
** | One Bore Well (Convergence) | 200000 | 1 | 200000 | A bore well is required to provide adequate water supply for irrigation of the seedlings. The FPO has applied for the borewell facility under a government scheme. |