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Profit Expected : Rs 9,339

Amount required for next season : Rs 1,75,930

Next Step of actions :

  1. If there is a delay in getting the Money from Govt Org (OLM ) , FPO is willing to apply for Loan at SBI or Samunnati in the month of sept-oct . FPO has visited SBI recently and had discussion with the branch manager , It was asked to submit a letter from agriculture/ Horticulture . But it is not clear ,under which scheme to apply . FPO has taken a loan of Rs 90,000 from the SHG at 0 % interest.

  2. Marketing Video to be prepared for next season . It will help the BODs to reach more number of villages through video dissemination in PG meetings .

  3. Discussion with Nabard ( If there can be some assistance for CEO salary ,as the current CEO is about to resign )

  4. Discussion with reliance about tomato marketing .

  5. Advisory to be lined up .( A proper flow of advisory services to be established )

  6. Product to be designed for data management and data sharing .