Place: Hotel Lemon Tree, Patna
Deligates Delegates -
CSISA/CIMMYT: Dr. Shish Pal S.P. Pooniya, CSISA/CIMMYT; Dr. Sonam Sherpa, CIMMYT;
TCI: Prof. Andrew James McDonalds, Dr. Laura Arenas Calle, TCI;
UC Davis: Prof. J.K.Laddha, UC Davis; JK Laddha
CIP: Dr. Suresh Kumar Kakraliya
Sequoia Climate Fund: Seema Paul, Sequoia Climate Fund; Lalli Venkat Krishnan, Sequoia Climate Fund;
EDF: Nikhil Goveas, EDF; Amresh Choudhary, EDF; Ajit Singh , EDF;
CEEW: Sahil, CEEW; K. Satish Kumar, CEEW; Swati Sharma, CEEW; Filip, VNV Advisory; Dr. Suresh Kumar Kakraliya, CIP; Kaushal Bisth, Varaha Ag; Manoj Kumar, SPM, JEEViKA
VNV Advisory: Filip
Varaha Ag: Kaushal Bisth, Ankita, COO & Co-founder, Varaha Ag (Virtually)
JEEViKA: Dr. Manoj Kumar, SPM; Anil Kumar, PM – LH, JEEViKA; Ankita, COO & Co-founder, Varaha Ag (Virtually); Anjali, World Bank group, Subhendra Sanyal, UNDP
World Bank group: Anjali (Virtually)
UNDP: Subhendra Sanyal
Digital Green – Krishnan Pallasana, Ravi Shankar Sharma, Akash Asthana, Shams Tarique, Falguni Ganguli, Yogesh Sahu, Ashu Sikri (Virtually)
Incorporating gender approach in each and every intervention.
Action Points came up in the meeting:
Partner Coordination meeting, every second Tuesday of the month till September (Akash to send out calendar invites with zoom link to TCI, SCISA, EDF and JEEViKA (Anil) with clear purpose and agenda before every meeting. Progress of the project, delays, reasons and plans for next month to be prepared (including partners’) prior to the meeting (as specific as possible).
Digital Green (Akash/Falguni) to separately set up calls with CSISA and EDF on implementation level follow up (advisories, training, white paper etc).
CSISA to expedite recommendations that will inform advisories to farmers.
Dr. JK Ladha will support content finalization/script/converting technical recommendations into easy to understand language as well as engage with TCI on the Tier 2 model they are developing. Any studies, reports and documents to be shared by Akash with Dr. JK
CSISA will reach out to Digital Green (Akash) on piloting soil hydrology data collection with limited number of farmers
Digital Green (Yogesh) will start working on analyzing already available data (Paddy 250:6900, Wheat 1300:15000) to understand input usage trends
EDF will share training curricula with partners+JK, share training calendar asap (Akash to follow up, ask for these)
EDF to start putting together knowledge piece/white paper based on lessons learned so far (Akash to ask for timeline, follow up)
EDF to plan and put together a state level meeting to share key learning (event in August)
Meeting ended with thanks giving by Krish & Akash from DG and , Manoj and Anil from JEEViKA.