Versions Compared


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Dashboard created by DG which is giving details by VRP/ Video dissemination (form extension department): district, village, FPO, Average yield, crops, # farmers below average, action

optional: district, village, FPO, farmer, yield, request (about input/ improving yield),

can see farmer details who are below the average and contact them.

If we have CoCo data of that farmer, we can probably show that somehow (not initially).

  •  Value prop/ user journey


  1. some significant percentage of farmers give consent that I want to get contacted for XYZ thing (input, market, disease management) and want to share the data for same

  2. X number of new farmers got contacted by VRP

  3. Out of X, Y% found the video or the advisory info relevant and what they wanted

  4. Overall A farmers with B % who have found this useful


  1. We go back on option 1 - covered in the effort

Process/ User journey:

  1. UI/ UX part

    1. basic wireframe will help

  2. informed consent works

  3. technical stuff - OTP, validating etc

  4. Roll out and process


  1. Where?

    1. VRPs to be mobilised

      1. Bihar: Jeevika has good cadre

      2. Odisha: CRPs good

    2. FPOs have shown some interest - there is a resource institution attached

      1. Bihar - good FPOs

      2. AP: not sure

      3. Odisha: CYSD - good cadre

  2. When?

    1. Crops/ season:

      1. Bihar: Paddy/ Litchi: June/July

      2. Pulses/ millets: October

  3. Who are the stakeholders we should speak to?

    1. Program alignment

      1. Bihar - Jeevika

      2. Odisha - already interest from Nabard
