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Sharavanbelegola Coconut Farmers Producers Company Limited

Supported by


Board members

5 Male and 1 Female (To be expanded to 15 members)

Shareholder farmers (SHF)

607 Farmers (150 are Female)


CEO(Marketing Degree) & Accountant(M.Com)

Share capital

Rs. 1200

Years of operation

1 Year (1st Audit has been conducted)

Total revenue till date

30 Lakhs

Crop focus

Coconut(main crop), Raagi millet, Ginger, Rice

Other details

They have now established FIGs and each FIG has a leader.

They have easy access to local coconut mandi as that is one the place of large trade of coconuts in different forms and is sent to different parts of the country.



?? What went well

😞 What did not go well

Tender coconut trading

  • Entering this business was necessary because they was to lock the share holder farmer with them and create a stable supply which will be help them to create value added products too.

  • Trade of 21 truck loads of tender coconut happened successfully which generated 26 Lakhs revenues.

  • They were able to figure out buyers, transportation and payments.

  • They would like to continue doing this activity.

Produce was not from the SHF, but was from other farmers and middle men.
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Why? Because SHF did not give us the produce.

Why? Because SHF gave the produce to other traders.

Why? Because SHF were comfortable giving it to them and ignored FPC requests, FPC could have offered better pricing.

Why? Because they have old business relationships with them and did not wanted to change their existing buyers.

Why? Because the traders give them advance money and come with harvesting teams which makes it very easy for farmers.

We don't have capital for advance payment and to hire harvesting labour to perform this style of execution.
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Why? Because when we received order we did not know who among our SHF has the produce.

Why? Because we don’t have that updated information handy.
Why? Because it was no collected.
Why? Because it was too painful to collect/update the information.

Why? Because its a manual process done on paper and then updated in XLS sheets.

We don’t have any digital process to do this activity.

Inputs selling (Fertilisers )

Suppliers: RSK Hassan

Urea, 20-20 Complex, Organic neem cakes/powder.


  • They have just started this and have made 3L revenue from this business activity.

  • Input selling is adopted by almost all FPCs so they are also do it.

  • They would like to continue doing this.

There is a possibility that we may not be able to sell everything.

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Why? Because we don’t know how much to procure and when to restock.

Why? Because we don’t have information on how much input will be consumed.
Why? Because we did not collect that information.

Why? Because we did not know what needs to be done.

Why? Because we don’t have the know how of conducting such inventory based business and what tools to use.

Our CEO needs some training and tools so that he can do this effectively.

Other business activities


  • DG products team to meet larger sample of SHF and understand their issues.

  • DG products team to plan digitization options.

  • DG programs and strategy team to review feasibility of shared asset business options, once more information is received from the FPC.

  • Opportunity for DG training department to work on how to spread awareness about FPC advantages for farmers through videos or workshops. sanjeev (Unlicensed)

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