https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2020/08/discussion-paper-the-digital-revolution-implications-for-gender-equality-and-womens-rights#:~:text=Publications-,The%20digital%20revolution%3A%20Implications%20for%20gender%20equality%20and,rights%2025%20years%20after%20Beijing&text=The%20digital%20revolution%20brings%20immense,existing%20patterns%20of%20gender%20inequality. - conceptual framework for understanding the mutual shaping relationship between gender & technology. It focuses on three areas in the digital revolution: education, work, and social/welfare services.
Policy recommendations:
Governments should ensure new technologies are developed within a regulatory framework that prioritizes, protects and promotes women’s human rights
AI governance frameworks should put gender equality at its core
Gender analysis in all tech investments
National gov’t must tackle the gender data gap
Universities, schools & other educational Educational institutions must advance the technical skills and digital literacy of women and girls
Education and training on women’s rights-compliant technology is needed for those designing, developing and using AI in decision-making.
Policymakers must examine exclusionary practices and language
Companies, particularly in the tech sector, must incorporate gender mainstreaming in human resources policy