Design - Created by IDEO, the info on this site focuses on designing solutions for digital confidence, regardless of gender, geographer, language, device type or education level, hence making technology accessible to anyone. Includes tools to design with confidence in mind
. - Paper on binary language to unbind digital literacy for the illiterate focusing on India. Includes definitions & approach.
Case studies - Link to document for download that compares the mobile digital skills needs from India and Ghana, including user journeys based on rural/urban, education and other criteria.
... - Info on DL in India, including stats on DL levels urban vs rural, across states, etc.
Courses - includes free courses on working with computers and working/collaborating online. Includes lesson guides, transcripts, videos, and closed caption files. Courses in various languages but not the languages of the countries we work in.
Government Departments & Programms
Digital Empowerment Foundation (India) - National Digital Literacy Mission - Website about their work.
- India’s flagship program to digitally empower its citizens. - Ethiopia US $25B DL plan via the Min. of Science and Higher Education.
Monitoring & evaluation
Article on DL KPIs for sustainable development + a few case studies in India and across Africa:
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