Week | Dates | Key Items (Expected) | Key Items (Actual) |
1 | Feb 21 to 25 |
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2 | Feb 28 to Mar 4 |
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3 | Mar 7 to 11 |
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4 | Mar 14 to 18 |
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5 | Mar 21 to 25 |
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6 | Mar 28 to Apr 1 |
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7 | Apr 4 to 8 |
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8 | Apr 11 to 15 |
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9 | Apr 18 to 22 |
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10 | Apr 25 to 29 |
DFN budgets for India, Ethiopia and Kenya; first pass ready by week of March 28
MOU / co-creation plan with participating farmer groups
Clarity on intersection points between DFN and existing projects like TARA or ATLAS?
See annual planning slides here. Key questions:
What is the objective and key measures of success?
Staffing needs? (existing and new).
What are the main cost drivers and associated assumptions?
Any requests or dependencies from cross-cutting teams? (i.e. comms, MEL, Advocacy, gender, climate, strategy and tech)
What are the risks that require mitigation?
Internal workshops
more time on next steps at the end to plan FPO workshop
thursday (feb 24): AP or
FPO workshops
State leads lead on workshop logistics esp attendees
can we complement w smaller focus group discussions
on-going engagement (eg, whatsapp groups)
strategy team as reviewer / contributor on how to make this participatory (best practices)
India vs. Ethiopia vs. Kenya