Liquidity Providers: Provide capital; this may be retail investors or funds like Almavest, Cauris, etc. Goldfinch has a network of LPs
Borrower: FPO.
Borrower Pool: Smart contract that encodes a set of financing terms for a Borrower, including the interest rate and repayment schedule, and through which the Borrower can borrow capital and repay it with those terms.
Backer: Participants who supply junior tranche (first-loss) capital to individual Borrower Pools. This would be DG.
Auditors: Participants who receive GFI rewards for securing the protocol with
a human eye. Could this be DG? Might be a conflict of interest in which case maybe POPIs can play this role?
From the Guidebook on Lending to FPOs (Caspian, GIZ)
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